Your Virtual Consultation
Picture this. You come home from a long day at work and wipe off your two-day old makeup with a glorified moist towelette you got at the gas station six months ago on a road trip with your mom…
We’ve all been there. But is it really what’s best for our skin?
My name is Kylie. I’m a 24 year old licensed Esthetician and Skin Care Therapist based in Los Angles, California. I decided to start a skin care blog because as an esthetician, I often come across clients who aren’t doing what is best for their skin. Not necessarily because they don’t care but simply because they don’t know any better.
Although I’m really good with my own routine now, I wasn’t always religiously washing my face twice a day and using the right serums. A few years ago, before I went to school and got licensed, I hadn’t really thought about my skin much at all. I mean sure, I was washing my face sometimes and using various grapefruit cleansers and a sheet mask once a month but that was probably the jist of it. But I’ll be honest, when I was living in Pennsylvania, I didn’t really have to worry about having a bad complexion. My skin was typically dry but not too dry to be an issue and I didn’t really breakout except maybe a pimple or two around my monthly period.
When I moved to California, my entire body underwent a very drastic change. Maybe it was due to the climate plus a combination of stress from pursuing a new career or maybe it was because I stopped using hormonal birth control for the first time in 10 years. But overall, things were changing and my body was furious. I started losing my hair at an alarming rate. My skin became oily for the first time ever. I began seeing small bumps all over my forehead and jaw line. It felt like I was going through puberty all over again.
My mom encouraged me to start looking into the ingredients in products that I used. I began research on products for sensitive skin, and that’s when I found Beauty Counter. (You’ll probably hear me bring up Beauty Counter often because they’re some of my favorite products to use for my skin.) Beauty Counter is a brand with the mission to “put safer beauty into the hands of everyone”. They go through a crazy thorough ingredient screening process and use something called ‘”The Never List” which is a list of toxic and potentially harmful ingredients that you can sometimes find in cosmetic products but never in theirs. Once I came up with a routine that worked for me and really starting paying attention to the products I used and the things I put in my body, I started seeing results. I won’t tell you I saw immediate results and that my skin was never bad again, that’s just not the case. But I can tell you that with time and commitment, my overall skin health did improve.
After I got my license, it became my goal to help all of my clients do what was best for their skin. By bringing in more holistic treatment methods and helping them make the switch from parabens and sulfates to safer and cleaner products, I was able to improve their skins’ overall health. Although I was doing what I could to inspire and help people, I was trapped in a spa job where I had limited access to safer products. Instead, I had to be transparent and tell my clients that I disagreed with my employer and the products they were selling. People would ask me, “How do you work with products you disapprove of”? The answer is simple; I can’t. So I left that job and started this blog, because I truly care about my clients, my friends, and my family and I truly care about their skins’ health.
So where does that leave us? What can I do to help you? Well, think of this as a virtual consultation. Every week I’ll be posting about different treatment options, guides to help you build a routine, tips and tricks, and much more. I’ll talk about the anatomy and physiology of our skin and why some products will work better than others. I’ll even breakdown that skin care myth you’ve been wondering about. Like, ‘what does SPF really mean?’ Or ‘Is microneedling really that good for you?’. I also have a contact page where you can ask me any questions you have and we can discuss them personally or if it’s a question I get a lot, I may just write about it!
My name is Kylie Patterson, and I want to help you achieve your #skincaregoals. Read my blogposts, ask me questions, share with your friends; everybody can benefit from healthy skin.